Sunday, February 04, 2007

George Otis Warns Amerca in 2003 and 2006

George Otis is one of the most respected researcher’s of what God is doing around te world. His ministry, The Sentinel Group, has produced video reports of revivals in cities, regions and nations that have to be seen to be believed. They are called the Transformation series. Click here to see trailers of those videos. Here are excerpts from a message he gave in 2003. He just released a DVD of a longer message with essentially the same warning on Sept 10, 2006< called “Approaching Fire”.

Blow the Trumpet in Zion

If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people. I will hold the watchman accountable. (Ezekiel 33:6)

“If the Church is the nation’s best hope, it must be awakened from its slumber and fast. Revival must become an urgent priority, not just a theological or historical curiosity. It’s promotion must become the task of every pulpit, it’s implementation the responsibility of every believer. For this to happen, desperate intercessors must prevail upon God to provoke within His people a deep and widespread dissatisfaction with the religious status-quo.

Such arguments are not new. Indeed they have attended the demise of nearly every revival, and many a civilization. America, given her present predicament, can ill afford a repeat of past mistakes. Rather, she needs godly shepherds who will refuse resolutely to downplay the urgency of the hour and the seriousness of the Church’s present condition. She requires committed prophets who will seize every opportunity to acknowledge with Ezekiel: “Our offenses and sins weigh us down, and we are wasting away because of them (Ezekiel 33:10).”

We have come to the point, both as a nation and as a Church, where we can no longer coast on the momentum of past deeds and choices. Our relationship with God has gone fallow, and it can only be restored through true repentance and unreserved obedience. As Scripture reminds us, ‘The righteousness of the righteous man will not save him when he disobeys (Ezekiel 33:12).””

George Otis, Jr.
Lynnwood, Washington
January 2003

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