Wednesday, January 04, 2006

1973 book, The Vision by David Wilkerson predicts Judgment on America

In 1973, Wilkerson published a book called The Vision that detailed his prophetic visions regarding the future of the United States. Wilkerson believed that God had revealed to him a great calamity which was going to befall America due to increase in sins such as homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, and greed.

Some of the details of this 1973 vision were: There is a coming worldwide economic confusion. It will strike Europe, Japan and the US, then all other nations. There are lean years ahead. There will be a move toward a worldwide, unified monetary system. (This was years before the Euro -- every European nation had its own system).

Floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will increase in frequency.

There will be a fall in moral conduct. Topless women will appear on television, followed by full nudity (something that had never been done in 1973) Adult, X rated movies will be shown on cable television.

There will be an acceptance of homosexuality, and the church will even say that it is a God-given gift. (Homosexuality was still studied under "abnormal psychology" by psychologists of 1973).

There will be a new drug that will be popular with teenagers that will break down resistance and will encourage sexual activity.

Homosexual and lesbian ministers will be ordained and this will be heralded as a new breed of pioneer.

There will be a spiritual awakening behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains.

He also predicted a nuclear bomb going off in New York City.

34 years later, many of his prophecies in this book have come true.


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    It is true. Almost are fullfilled now. Just remain the nuclear bomb. I hope it was 9/11, but wasn't a bomb. But rest of them, we can see in our days.

  2. Thank you for your comment. I am sad to say that the worst is yet to come before America and the Church repents. It is , indeed, a very severe mercy to come--but one that will lead to great revival and restoration for us and for the world.

  3. No, it wasn't an actual nuclear bomb on 9/11, however, it was the equivalent of a small one going off, ask a decent, knowledable engineer. Prophecies have to be interpreted and backed with scripture. Also, the four horseman of the apocalypse were released on that day coming through the two large mountains. See the end of the Old Testament and read, carefully and slowly. God has been speaking to me and it is in line with what I found today on the internet with other prophets. It is too late for our nation to repent as a nation, only individual repentance. Our sins have reached the heavens. It is incorrect to state that all other nations are more sinful. Our sin is greater than other nations and we have been exporting our perverted, money culture for too long now. Preachers in this country will not stop being sexist, racist, money grabbers (teaching false gospel of prosperity). The preachers are only politicians of country club churches where we go to feel better. America and its churches are in worse shape than we even realize. We are completely numb to sin, we respect nothing and no one, even God and God's house and our Jewish roots. The Protestants have even gotten worse than some Catholics by this lack of respect. We do not have a "healthy" fear of God. We do not repent or confess nor feel the need to. We think ourselves to be somehow "perfect", not in need of God's mercy. How dare we say God bless America? We even tell God what to do. Shame on us! We tolerate every evil, imagineable sin and every evil religion that is a stench in God's nostrils with mosques, hindu temples and budha temples going up everywhere! What did God think of this when Israel allowed this in the O.T.? If we do not kill our babies in the womb, we make them suffer later, ask any policeman or woman, babies are being killed, hit, kicked, raped, child porno on the net and we do not care. Domestic violence of all types is on the rise, we simply do not care, afterall, it does not affect us. We hate our neighbors, family, everyone, yet all we do is ask God to bless us, give us a job and save our homes. How dare we. We do not defend the weak in this country, but rather prey on them. We flaunt our sin and do not fear God and even dare the Lord to do something about by our actions and are hearts pointing a fist to Him. Woe to America! Woe to the US. Payday has come and it's only begun.

  4. Anonymous8:03 AM

    There are tragic issues of interpretation when Christians see "mercy" in God's acts of judgment. How is it that a God who is love (1Jn4:8) wreaks havoc and punishment on a nation because they are sinners? This cannot possible be mercy!

    Do you believe that God should bring fire and brimstone on all people who are not Christians because they are sinful and impeding his kingdom?

    Do you believe that Christians that sin deserve death and judgment?

    Where is God's mercy in this?

    "For God demonstrated his own love for us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us." Rom.5:8

  5. Thank you for your good and reasonable questions. I would never try to say something about God that the Bible did not clearly reveal-according to how the Bible was interpreted for almost 2000 years by most Catholic and Protestant Bible experts.

    May I refer you to read Deut 28 that describes in very clear terms why God was forced to judge people He dearly loved according to the covenant they made with Him in Deut 28. All the prophets in the OT were sent by God so He would not have to enforce the penalties of that covenant but the Jews stubbornly refused God's multiple offers of mercy and so God was forced to give them what they agreed to in the covenant--resulting in the destruction of Israel by God who used Israel's enemies in 722 BC by the Assyrians and later in 587 BC by the Babylonians. God later mercifully restored two of the tribes back to Israel, but the other ten never came back.

    In the New Testament, God went even farther to show mercy to the world by sending His own Son to die for the sins of the world--as John 3:16 so beautify reveals. But, 20 verses later, John 3:36 clearly says that God's wrath will come upon those who do not follow Jesus.

    If you read Hebrews 12, you also see a loving Father disciplining His children so that He can bless them more. In the Book of revelation, God says He will judge the entire world with terrible judgments if they do not repent of their sins. He has commissioned Christians to show people how to avoid that judgment through faith in Jesus. My greatest burden is to see people avoid the just wrath of God on sin and get to heaven. God wants everyone in heaven but they must meet His conditions by becoming followers of Jesus.

    If the Bible is true--and I am staking my entire life on that--then we have to agree with the clear intent of this testimony from the Old and New covenants.

    I hope this helps. This is a difficult topic for many kind people to understand. Even the apostle Paul marveled at it when He wrote in Romans 11:22--"Behold then the goodness and severity of God..."

    Blessings to you as you seek to know both aspects of God's revealed nature. I thank God that you know Him as Savior so you can implore others to follow Him before it is too late for them to receive the free gift of salvation that is only available in Jesus ( John 14:6, Acts 4:12)

    Bob Fox

  6. Anonymous5:09 PM

    This last comment is as clear as complete as can be written.
    Here, here.
    God's mercy has ONE purpose: to bring sinners to repentance. One purpose only.

    It was never intended to licence sin.

    Without mercy, repentance is impossible; for the eternal law of God is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Impossible to be saved under such a law. For our evil requires an evil response.

    Mercy enables us to escape such a judgement IFF we repent and show mercy likewise.

    But if we, like sinners, live in sin... how be we different from sinners who also live in sin? It is not those who say Lord, Lord that attain mercy. God is not impressed with lip-service.

    This is why God will bring tribulation on us. It is a means of stripping us from this fallen world. Like the Titanic, if we stay upon it we die with it. But if we go through pains, agonies, crisis and even death.. will we perceive this as God's mercy?

    Yet it IS God's mercy.

    You know, hell ain't a nice place. He knows that. We don't. Therefore which father is He that doesn't save his children from hell by any means necessary... even persecution unto death!

    Is a "mercy" that leads us to hell truly a mercy?

    Oh that God elevate our understanding.

    ".. yet you WILL drink of the cup that I was baptised of.."

    Friends, we are called to die to this world and live to Christ. Noone wants this in the flesh - I know - but war are not to be live in the flesh. To this cause I am yet challenged by His teaching.. I am wrong that he be right.

  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    may qod help us all...
